Puerto Viejo Weather
Current Conditions
73°F (23°C) | Humidity 86% | |
Mostly cloudy | Wind 1.24 miles per hour, SE |
Puerto Viejo Weather Forecast
93°F/34°C - 73°F/23°C
Cloudy, hot and humid; some rain and a t-storm this morning followed by a t-storm in spots this afternoon; caution advised if doing strenuous activities outside
95°F/35°C - 75°F/24°C
Times of clouds and sun, hot and humid with a thunderstorm in one or two spots; danger of dehydration and heatstroke if outside for extended periods of time
93°F/34°C - 75°F/24°C
Intervals of clouds and sunshine, hot and humid with a thunderstorm in spots; danger of dehydration and heatstroke if outside for extended periods of time
91°F/33°C - 75°F/24°C
Cloudy, hot and humid with a thunderstorm in parts of the area; possible danger of dehydration and heatstroke while doing strenuous activities
91°F/33°C - 75°F/24°C
Partly sunny, hot and humid; a thundershower in spots in the morning, then a thunderstorm or two; caution advised if doing strenuous activities outside
95°F/35°C - 73°F/23°C
Mostly cloudy, hot and humid with a couple of thunderstorms in the afternoon
93°F/34°C - 73°F/23°C
Cloudy, hot and humid with a thunderstorm in one or two spots
95°F/35°C - 72°F/22°C
A couple of thunderstorms in the morning; otherwise, cloudy, hot and humid with occasional rain and a thunderstorm in the afternoon
93°F/34°C - 73°F/23°C
Cloudy, hot and humid with occasional rain and a thunderstorm
93°F/34°C - 72°F/22°C
Considerable cloudiness, hot and humid with a couple of thunderstorms
88°F/31°C - 73°F/23°C
Cloudy and humid with showers and thunderstorms
88°F/31°C - 73°F/23°C
Cloudy and humid; a couple of morning thunderstorms followed by rain and a thunderstorm in the afternoon
88°F/31°C - 73°F/23°C
Cloudy and humid; a thundershower in parts of the area in the morning followed by a couple of thunderstorms in the afternoon
86°F/30°C - 75°F/24°C
A couple of showers in the morning; otherwise, remaining cloudy
84°F/29°C - 75°F/24°C
Mostly cloudy with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm in the afternoon