AreaArea (including Isla del Coco)Square milesSquare kilometersTotal19,73051,100-51,200Land19,56050,660Comparativeslightly smaller than West Virginia, U.S.A BoundariesBoundariesMilesKilometersTotal Land390639Nicaragua (to the north)188.5309Panama (to the south)201.3330Coastline7871,290 Major Geographic FeaturesMajor Geographic FeaturesDetailsIsthmus121 km. (74 mi.) wide at narrowest pointMountain RangesTwo traverse the isthmusMeseta Central Plateau (coastal plain)Enclosed by rugged mountainsProtected wildlife areas30% of the national territoryBiodiversityCosta Rica has 5% of the world's biodiversity; One of the highest concentrations on the planet Climate, Zones, & SeasonsClimateZonesSeasonsTropicalTorrid, <3000 ft. elevation Temperate, >3000 ft. & <6000 ft. Cool, > 6000 ft. elevationDry, December to April Rainy, May to November TemperaturesCentigrade (°C)Fahrenheit (F)Locations21 69.8Annual average San Jose (capital)25 to 35 77 to 95Hot coastal zone15 to 2559 to 77Moderate zone< 15 < 59Higher elevations Precipitation and Natural Resources Annual rainfall˜77 inches in central plateauNatural ResourcesHydropower Potential Land UseLand Use%Meadows & Pastures45.00%Forest & Woodland34.00%Other8.00%Permanent Crops7.00%Arable Land6.00%Total100.00%