Another easily accessible beach and renowned Gold Coast surf break is Playa Grande - just a few miles north of Tamarindo Beach. Bordering the Tamarindo Estuary, Playa Grande is a 25-minute roundabout drive and many surfers prefer to carry their boards along the beach. This more direct route requires crossing the Estuary where you can cross via a $2 ferry ride. Some choose to paddle their boards across the river mouth, but beware - crocodile sightings have been noted as these giant creatures stray from their estuary home into more open waters. Use the boat and avoid becoming a hungry croc's dinner.Once you make it to the other side of the estuary you'll come across a fun break known as "Casitas", which caters to beginners and avid surfers alike with its steady sets. Keep walking and you'll end up in Grande, where boarders can surf large and consistent breaks. The town of Playa Grande caters to the surfing crowd and has a few inexpensive and mid-range hotels. The town also has a small supermarket and a spattering of restaurants although most surfers choose to stay in the more happening locale of Tamarindo.